Pivot wide format traits table into long format
trait_pivot_longer "gathers" wide format data into a "tidy" format This function converts the data into long format where observations are on different rows and the type of observation is denoted by trait name. In other words, trait_pivot_longer reverts the actions of trait_pivot_wider
was applied prior totrait_pivot_wider
for AusTraits <= v3.0.2,trait_pivot_longer
will return a tibble with fewer observations than the original traits table.For AusTraits version >3.0.2,
will return a tibble with fewer columns than that original traits tableThe excluded columns include: "unit", "replicates", "measurement_remarks", "basis_of_record", "basis_of_value"
This function reverts the actions of the function austraits::trait_pivot_wider.
It begins with a derivation of a traits.build traits table, where multiple measurements that comprise a single observation are displayed on a single row,with a column for each trait. It then converts the table into long format where measurements of multiple traits that comprise a single observation are on different rows and a column specifying the trait names is added.
has been developed to pivot the traits table for a database build using the traits.build workflow.
Learn more at:
https://github.com/traitecoevo/traits.build &
Note to AusTraits users:
This function works with AusTraits version >= 5.0.0 (from Nov 2023 release)
For AusTraits versions <= 4.2.0 (up to Sept 2023 release) see https://github.com/traitecoevo/austraits for how to install old versions of the package or download a newer version of the database.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data <- austraits$traits %>%
filter(dataset_id == "Falster_2003")
data #long format
traits_wide <- trait_pivot_wider(data)
traits_wide #wide format
values_long <- trait_pivot_longer(traits_wide)
} # }