Standardises taxon names by performing a series of text substitutions to remove common inconsistencies in taxonomic nomenclature.
The function takes a character vector of taxon names as input and returns a character vector of taxon names using standardised taxonomic syntax as output.
It removes stray punctuation at the start and end of a character string.
It standardises unusual characters and symbols to ASCII equivalents.
It standardises taxon rank abbreviations and qualifiers (subsp., var., f.), as people use many variants of these terms.
It standardises or removes a few additional filler words used within taxon names (affinis becomes aff.; s.l. and s.s. are removed).
standardise_names(c("Quercus suber",
"Eucalyptus sp.",
"Eucalyptus spp.",
"Agave americana var. marginata",
"Agave americana v marginata",
"Notelaea longifolia forma longifolia",
"Notelaea longifolia f longifolia"))
#> [1] "Quercus suber" "Eucalyptus sp."
#> [3] "Eucalyptus sp." "Agave americana var. marginata"
#> [5] "Agave americana var. marginata" "Notelaea longifolia f. longifolia"
#> [7] "Notelaea longifolia f. longifolia"