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This function downloads observation data for the given taxon and year range from the "Infinity List" source, processes and cleans the data, adds additional columns (e.g., establishment status), and optionally saves the raw and processed data.


  year_range = c(1923, as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))),
  save_raw_data = FALSE,
  output_dir = file.path(system.file(package = "infinitylists"), "data/")



A character vector or string specifying the taxon (e.g., species, genus) for which observations are to be downloaded.


A numeric vector of length 2 indicating the start and end years for data retrieval. Default is from 1923 to the current year


A logical value indicating whether to save the raw data. By default, raw data is not saved (FALSE).


A character string specifying the directory where any saved data (raw or processed) will be stored. Default is file.path(system.file(package = "infinitylists"), "data/").


This function saves the processed data and returns invisibly. The structure and content of the returned value (if any) is determined by the functions called within (e.g., retrieve_data, process_data).


The function carries out the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the data from the "Infinity List" source.

  2. Process and clean the retrieved data to remove any inconsistencies.

  3. Add additional columns to the cleaned data, such as the establishment status for the given taxon.

  4. If save_raw_data is TRUE, save the processed data to the specified output_dir.